Secure area
Project Title:
Scientific Data Analytics with R
Project Leaders:
Bethany White and Jennifer Waugh
The materials are published here as editable open educational resources and licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0) so that they can be modified for non-commercial use, with attribution to the authors.
SCORM objects must be downloaded and imported into a platform that supports the SCORM standard, for example most common Learning Management Systems.
Working with Data
SCORM zip file here for download
Visualizing and Summarizing Data
SCORM zip file here for download
Inference on the Centre of a Distribution
SCORM zip file here for download
Inference on One Proportion
SCORM zip file here for download
Comparing Centres of Two Distributions
SCORM zip file here for download
Comparing Two Proportions
SCORM zip file here for download

Comparing More than Two Means
SCORM zip file here for download
Inference on Associations between Variables
SCORM zip file here for download
PCRS-R software
PCRS [link:] is a web application built to serve a mix of content (videos and text) and interactive programming exercises. This project uses PCRS to serve online exercises in the R programming language.
If you wish to use PCRS to support a class at your institution, you will need to host it on a local server. Local technical support may be required, as hosting your own server is non-trivial.
A specific release of PCRS is maintained to support deployment of PCRS for R exercises. This release contains the most up-to-date code for supporting R, as well as files to deploy the system using Docker [link:].
We have tested the installation on a server running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Docker CE (18.03.1-ce). To get PCRS and the Dockerfile for deploying it, use the following commands in the shell:
$ git clone
$ cd pcrs
$ git checkout pcrs-r
This should create a directory named “pcrs” that contains a Dockerfile that can be used to create a Docker image.
If installation fails on your system, the PCRS website [link:] contains general instructions for manually installing and deploying the system as well as contact information for the developer team.